Mostrando los 9 resultados


Grilled steak with an onion and tomato sauce, eggs, buttery toast, french fries

Desayunos - Breakfast

Caldo de costilla con papa


Simple beef rib with potato broth, coffee or hot chocolate


Mixed rice and red beans, flatbread with cheese and butter, eggs, steak

Desayunos - Breakfast

Carne asada con arepa grande


Grilled steak with big yellow corn bread


Simple milk with eggs broth, cheese, bread and cilantro

Desayunos - Breakfast

Huevo al gusto con arepa con queso


Arepa topped with cheese and butter and a side of eggs

Desayunos - Breakfast

Huevo al gusto y tostada


Buttery toast with a side of eggs


Eggs of your choice, arepa, sausage or chorizo or morcilla

Desayunos - Breakfast

Tostadas con jamón y queso


Ham & cheese toast